I like metaphors, they are beautifully helpful in explaining the obvious.
Our minds and brains reflect the social environment and land we live in. - No wonder stress, worries and anxieties are forever increasing.
The more chaos in society, the more chaos within our minds.
To have peace of mind, turning chaos into harmony means to take control, be responsible and choose how to react to chaos. - Create your own reality to create balance in brainland.
Chaos in Brainland - Book Exerpt - ANXIETY |
Everything new takes practice before it becomes a habit.Become a stand-up comedian for a moment. Perform to the audience, say “I am very good at doing anxiety, but I thought I try something new, and learn the piano.” That may sound funny, but it captures the essential solution of leaving anxiety behind and getting good at something different, like playing the piano. To learn to play the piano confidently will take lots of practice. To unlearn anxiety and learn a mind shift technique or replacement concept also takes practice and time. Every technique that will be discussed in this book, involves more than just reading and knowing about it. It takes practice and learning and may take a while before reaching perfection. Remember how long it took you to learn to read? Now you are learning how to read your mind. Give it a chance. Today, we want everything in an instant. That is the problem with the Internet Doctor, people know everything (or perhaps I should say, they think they know it), but haven’t practised and understood what they know. Starving the BeastPart of replacement therapy is power and energy distribution. Instead of fighting anxiety and exhausting our energy, we will work on starving anxiety and use our energy and power to feed self-assurance, thereby becoming more resilient and robust. Don’t feed the beast, don’t concentrate on the problem; concentrate on the solution, with the result that you starve the beast and feed the solution. Do people give you advice such as, “Don’t worry”? As nice as this is meant to be, it is meaningless if you don’t know “How not to worry”. Same with anxiety, telling someone to get a grip is offensive and is not helpful at all. But having a solution on hand, and knowing what to do when anxiety strikes, is a step out of anxiety. Here is a bit of mind aerobics. - As soon as you feel the slightest hint of worry or anxiety:
The Book |
Chaos in Brainland - BUY NOW - Author Dieter LuskeA Guide for Creating a Stress and Anxiety Free ZoneThe chaos in society is reflected in chaos between the ears, the territory Dieter Luske calls Brainland. Dieter is a holistic counsellor with decades of experience and has conducted analysis in that most complicated laboratory – the self. - He has pooled his accumulated knowledge to turn chaos into harmony, favouring a mind, body and spirit approach to mediate mental distress and moderate between the conscious and subconscious mind. You will discover dynamic techniques, different perspectives, and "First Aid Anxiety Response Hacks" to master your mindset and liberate your mind. |
NOTE FOR PRACTITIONERS: Combining Natural Therapies with Counselling modalities is what a Holistic Health is all about. - The Chaos in Brainland Book addresses this issue and provides a wide array of counselling techniques suitable to enrich a Holistic Natural Health Clinic for practitioners and patients alike. - BUY NOW |
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An intriguing story of personal risk-taking, self-discovery and profound change.
An inspiring read of a life-changing escapade Down Under - Phil Brown - Arts Editor The Courier-Mail
Author of 4 books, hundreds of holistic lifestyle philosophy articles,
and lives by his motto.
By attempting the impossible -
one is meaningfully occupied (D.L.)
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